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Double drum vibratory rollers
CA1300 - CA702
from 5,3 ton till 29 ton, available with slick drum or with padfoot.
Static drum rollers
Threedrum roller CS1400
Pneumatic rollers CP2100 - CP2700, from 6 ton till 27 ton
Tampin compactorCT3000

Double drum rollers
CC800 - CC7200
from 800 mm till 2130 mm or vrom 1,7 ton till 18 ton, also available as combi roller.


Gerelateerde onderwerpen: Dynapac asfaltafwerkmachines, Dynapac frezen
Hexagone S.A.S. – 101, Rue de Paris, FR-77200 TORCY, Tel. +33 1 60 95 01 01, Fax. +33 1 64 68 01 01, info@hexagoneservices.fr

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